

Rebranding a successful community staple—Saskatchewan Mutual Insurance, a 115-year-old insurance agency—was not a decision taken lightly. Deviating from an older demographic to appeal to a younger generation required years of thoughtful consideration. But once the decision was made, the deadlines came quickly with one objective—create an insurance brand for people who don’t like insurance. Sandbox evolved from there.

I was tasked with website copy, branded materials, and the rebrand announcement video. Working closely with a graphic designer, we developed a kitschy, fun, but informative brand that could pay homage to Saskatchewan Mutual Insurances' long history.

The video played for hundreds at the brand launch party, receiving immediate stakeholder and consumer support.

Agency: Chess Club

hope restored canada

The campaign objectives for this non-profit were to change perception and drive awareness, educating the public about the existence of sexual exploitation and trafficking in our city, and about Hope Restored—offering recovery, growth, and a fresh start.

I discovered the story of a woman who found healing through art—describing her experience as one of a "dead, wilted rose" who found growth through Hope Restored.

The creative was developed around the visual impact of the wilted rose returning to life. The campaign statement “It happens here” is true for both sexual exploitation and healing. This tied together the two goals—identify a problem and offer a solution.

Multiple outputs were created. Traditional media included posters, Captive Audience resto-bar ads, and outdoor placements. Digital pieces included animated online ads, pre-roll video on Instagram, and vertical ads on TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram.

Agency: Chess Club

Affinity credit union

Annually, Affinity Credit Union required a batch of headlines and taglines with just one ask—they had to tie back to their home province.

Saskatchewan—ridiculously hard to say, ridiculously easy to draw. This sat proudly atop a neighbourhood pub, garnering laughs, all of 2021.

Agency: Chess Club

The saskatchewan apprenticeship and trade certification COMMISSION

The SATCC needed to find a new way to speak to their target audience—underrepresented groups and the Indigenous community.

With little budget to put toward visual ads in 2022, the task was to think simply, but creatively. After writing the copy, I sent it for translation to integrate Cree syllabics, the dominant native language of our target audience.

Agency: Chess Club

When MGM Communications, a reputable creative agency of nearly 40 years, changed ownership, the creative team was handed a substantial task—a complete rebrand that would happen over the course of four weeks.

Immediate needs included renaming the agency, developing the brand voice, and crafting a unique look. After long days of screaming every word we'd ever heard, Chess Club Agency was born and named.

With the help of a graphic designer to bring my ideas to life, I was tasked with rebuilding the social channels with content that would reflect the new brand, as well as writing case studies, and webpages for the new website.

Agency: Chess Club

chess club agency