Offering dynamic and strategic creative that considers and challenges perspectives

With an education in Broadcast Journalism and Advanced Television Arts, I launched my early career in broadcasting. In 2017, I got out from behind the microphone to pursue passion and become a full-time writer. Through freelance and agency experience, I've carved out a niche for expressive and impactful copy, thoughtful insights, and diverse messaging.

Creativity seeps through every area of my life. Outside of the office, I host and produce well-rated podcasts. Through those and other creative ventures, I’ve carefully crafted a presence focused on inclusion and diversity. Through humorous writing and personal insights, shared through video or voiceover, I've grown a steady following on multiple platforms.

The content I create, an extension of my professional skills and abilities, garners an average of 500k views a month—has accumulated over 2.5 million “likes” across platforms—and continues to grow in following and engagement.